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The Traces series includes ephemeral and situated artistic interventions, performances, and environmental installations that are structured within the projectuality framework of Gruppo Koiné, starting from the mid-1990s.
Fleeting perceptions, absences, the Traces hold the value of memory.

Like the Actions series, the Traces establish a dialogue with the audience and the place they inhabit. However, the approach here does not take on irreverent tones, but subdued ones; it is not direct, but mediated. And the key lies in interpretive play.

Lapilli, 1997, volcanic stones, churchyard and pedestrian streets, Chiaramonte Gulfi.
Project Confronti/Dialogues, Gruppo Koiné, City of Chiaramonte Gulfi.
In Lapilli, the churchyard and pedestrian streets of the Sicilian town of Chiaramonte Gulfi are scattered with volcanic stones, casually found in the attic of one of the local churches. In a gesture that becomes a tangible and widespread trace of an underground materic energy.
BASS, 1999, glass dust on wall, 100x50.
Project Nel lavoro – interventi installativi nella nuova unità operativa della FAS/In the work - installation interventions in the FAS new operational unit , Gruppo Koiné, FAS Glass Factory, Lissone.
Invited with Gruppo Koiné to carry out a site-specific art project within a factory, the artist recovers waste elements from the production line, glass dust, to create an imprint of the face of the old owner, a childhood friend, on the main wall. BASS is a pictorial sign and an imperceptible impression of an identity. A trace that becomes memory of a place, blending personal recollection with creative recovery.
Caccia al tesoro/Treasure Hunt, 2000, gravel.
Projec Increazioni 1 Terra-Acqua/ IncreActions 1 Land-Water, Gruppo Koiné, Increa Park Brugherio.

The work Caccia al tesoro/Treasure hunt interacts with the memory of the site, now called Increa Park, which once used to be an old quarry for sand and gravel extraction.
The artist here spreads piles of gravel on the remaining gravel surface. Ephemeral and chameleon-like, the work is a gesture of playful exploration that reveals itself in the "hunt for the artwork."

  • Memoria del Lavoro/Work Memory, 2022, trunk, site-specific installation, 220x30, video,13s.
    A series of exhibitions project OMBRONE, Gruppo Koiné, on the coastline of Ombrone river. 
    Memoria del Lavoro is an enviornmental sculpture, is an Ephemeral environmental sculpture, gesture, and presence. A casual object, recovered from the sea and whose shape resembles that of the red pencils used by artisans. Positioned vertically, statuesque, Memoria del Lavoro is a trace that evokes memory and invites reflection.
  • Memoria del Lavoro/Work Memory, 2022, trunk, site-specific installation, 220x30, video,13s.
    A series of exhibitions project OMBRONE, Gruppo Koiné, on the coastline of Ombrone river. 
    Memoria del Lavoro is an enviornmental sculpture, is an Ephemeral environmental sculpture, gesture, and presence. A casual object, recovered from the sea and whose shape resembles that of the red pencils used by artisans. Positioned vertically, statuesque, Memoria del Lavoro is a trace that evokes memory and invites reflection.
  • Lavoro/Work, 2018, pencil, 30x2.
    Project 25x12+1, Gruppo Koiné, 25 April 2018 – 25 April 2019, Agrate, Sala EXPO Cittadella della Cultura di Agrate Brianza, in collaboraton with A.N.P.I. Section Eva Colombo. 
    Memoria del Lavoro is an enviornmental sculpture, is an Ephemeral environmental sculpture, gesture, and presence. A casual object, recovered from the sea and whose shape resembles that of the red pencils used by artisans. Positioned vertically, statuesque, Memoria del Lavoro is a trace that evokes memory and invites reflection.
  • Memoria del Lavoro/Work Memory, 2022, trunk, site-specific installation, 220x30, video,13s.
    A series of exhibitions project OMBRONE, Gruppo Koiné, on the coastline of Ombrone river. 
    Memoria del Lavoro is an enviornmental sculpture, is an Ephemeral environmental sculpture, gesture, and presence. A casual object, recovered from the sea and whose shape resembles that of the red pencils used by artisans. Positioned vertically, statuesque, Memoria del Lavoro is a trace that evokes memory and invites reflection.
  • Memoria del Lavoro/Work Memory, 2022, trunk, site-specific installation, 220x30, video,13s.
    A series of exhibitions project OMBRONE, Gruppo Koiné, on the coastline of Ombrone river. 
    Memoria del Lavoro is an enviornmental sculpture, is an Ephemeral environmental sculpture, gesture, and presence. A casual object, recovered from the sea and whose shape resembles that of the red pencils used by artisans. Positioned vertically, statuesque, Memoria del Lavoro is a trace that evokes memory and invites reflection.
  • Lavoro/Work, 2018, pencil, 30x2.
    Project 25x12+1, Gruppo Koiné, 25 April 2018 – 25 April 2019, Agrate, Sala EXPO Cittadella della Cultura di Agrate Brianza, in collaboraton with A.N.P.I. Section Eva Colombo. 
    Memoria del Lavoro is an enviornmental sculpture, is an Ephemeral environmental sculpture, gesture, and presence. A casual object, recovered from the sea and whose shape resembles that of the red pencils used by artisans. Positioned vertically, statuesque, Memoria del Lavoro is a trace that evokes memory and invites reflection.
  • Interventi nel bosco/Interventions in the woods, 1999, acrylic.
    Project Stazione Topolò/ Topolò Station, 1999, Gruppo Koiné, Cividale del Friuli, Italian-Slovenian border.
    Red traces appear on trees, signs of a passage, evoking a material and immaterial overcoming of the concept of border.
  • Tracce Rosse/Red Traces, 2019, acrylic.
    Project 25x12+1, Gruppo Koiné, 25 April 2018 – 25 April 2019, a series of exhibitions, Passante/Passing, the Gardens of Carnate Civic Library, in collaboration with A.N.P.I. Section Sandro Pertini.
    Tracce Rosse/Red Traces is part of the Passante/Passing project.
    Situated around a path that connects two places, two realities. On trees. Red traces, memory of resistance.
  • Interventi nel bosco/Interventions in the woods, 1999, acrylic.
    Project Stazione Topolò/ Topolò Station, 1999, Gruppo Koiné, Cividale del Friuli, Italian-Slovenian border.
    Red traces appear on trees, signs of a passage, evoking a material and immaterial overcoming of the concept of border.
  • Interventi nel bosco/Interventions in the woods, 1999, acrylic.
    Project Stazione Topolò/ Topolò Station, 1999, Gruppo Koiné, Cividale del Friuli, Italian-Slovenian border.
    Red traces appear on trees, signs of a passage, evoking a material and immaterial overcoming of the concept of border.
  • Interventi nel bosco/Interventions in the woods, 1999, acrylic.
    Project Stazione Topolò/ Topolò Station, 1999, Gruppo Koiné, Cividale del Friuli, Italian-Slovenian border.
    Red traces appear on trees, signs of a passage, evoking a material and immaterial overcoming of the concept of border.
  • Tracce Rosse/Red Traces, 2019, acrylic.
    Project 25x12+1, Gruppo Koiné, 25 April 2018 – 25 April 2019, a series of exhibitions, Passante/Passing, the Gardens of Carnate Civic Library, in collaboration with A.N.P.I. Section Sandro Pertini.
    Tracce Rosse/Red Traces is part of the Passante/Passing project.
    Situated around a path that connects two places, two realities. On trees. Red traces, memory of resistance.
Palomar, 2012, wood, golden pigments, 30x200. Project Day of Memory 2012, Gruppo Koiné, Solara Desio.

Linea Pedonale I – II /Pedestrain Line, 2024, chalk, performative action, 2 km, Percorsi di Pace tra Memoria e Liberazione/ Project Paths of Peace between memory and Liberation, Gruppo Koiné, Triuggio.