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At the beginning of the new millennium, the investigation of the space becomes a quest for the invisibility of the visible. The Fog series is born under these premises and consists of site-specific installations that empty the space of its visible dimension.

The Fog series is presented in 2003 as part of the project Monologhi, a cycle of artistic interventions lasting a year, conceived by Gruppo Koinè, in the deconsecrated old church of Perego (LC). Here, the internal space of the church is filled with water vapor and emptied of visual references. The entire installation interacts with the architectural space and the light coming from the rose window and side slits.

In 2006, as part of the project Osservanti Osservati, held in Imola, at the Osservanza complex, a former psychiatric hospital , the artist displays his work within the space of the complex deconsecrated church. A circular space, from whose dome-shaped ceiling only a few traces of light penetrate.
The installation t=0 engages with the history of the place, emptying the space, mental and physical limit and boundary. It also stands as an artistic research into the potentialities of the human mind.

t=0, 2006, site-specific installation, fog machine, water vapor, video stills. Osservanza Imola deconsecrated Church.
Project Osservanti Osservati/Observants Observed, Gruppo Koiné, The complex of the former psychiatric hospital Osservanza in Imola.

[..] A milky whiteness coils upon itself and annuls every thing or presence in an eternity that can only be breathed. And there it is, wrapping the space in clouds, in fog, in vast suspensions. [...] In this non-place, floating like a dream devoid of images [...] Every moment contains all moments because it is empty, welcoming other emptiness

Curatorial Text by Lorenzo Zumbo on the work t=0, an excerpt from the Catalogue Osservanti Osservati. An event of contemporary art, 2006, Bacchilega Ed.
The complex of the former psychiatric hospital Osservanza in Imola, Catalogue Osservanti – Osservati, 2006, Bacchilega Editor.
t=0, 2006, installation, details,
Catalogue Osservanti Osservati.
t=0, 2006, installation, details,
Catalogue Osservanti Osservati.