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The Space series unfolds from the work Frammenti nello spazio/fragments in space, created in 1994 for the group exhibition Esterno Interno/external internal at Villa Borgia in Usmate, where small fragments were lifted into the airspace using a white helium baloon.

It includes aerostatic works that explore the airy dimension of matter and overcomes the conception of space as a defined dimension, through the formal use of a spherical, white, neutral element.

Untitled, 1995, installation, latex, 45x32. Opening exhibition of Gruppo Koiné, Spazio Palomar, Lissone.
The helium balloon of the work Frammenti nello spazio/fragments in space (1994), deflated and hanging on the wall, is exhibited in 1995 at the inaugural exhibition of Gruppo Koiné at Spazio Palomar. Untitled (1995) marks the direction that the artist's practice, increasingly imperceptible and ephemeral, takes within the projectuality of Gruppo Koiné.
21, 2004, installation, latex, thread, 210m.
Project Interventi in Cooperazione/Interventions in Cooperation, Gruppo Koiné, Istituto di Ricerca “Mario Negri”/the Mario Negri institute, Milan.
21 is a site-specific installation composed of helium balloons, arranged at a distance of 10 meters each and elevated into the airspace in the courtyard of the Mario Negri Institute. The work is inspired by the cooperative and international scientific research project that twenty-one young researchers were carrying out in the field of HIV. 21 was exhibited as part of the Interventi in Cooperazione/Interventions in Cooperation project held at the Mario Negri Research Institute, established with the joint objective of fostering a dialogue between art and scientific research.